Products / News / Introducing our PartnerZone

Introducing our PartnerZone

Jun 13, 2024

From now on, you can access our new PartnerZone, Control-X Medical’s technical document and software repository. 

You will always be able to easily access our PartnerZone by clicking on the orange cloud on the top right corner of our web page ( or directly by clicking here.  In case you would like service engineers at your company—who are not receiving our newsletter—to also have access to the repository, please signal that to us at


The use of the platform is very intuitive, and to further help you, we have created a short screencast video.

We hope you will find our new PartnerZone useful. As always, we are happy to have your questions, comments, suggestions, and critiques.


This video gives a brief walk-through of the Control-X Medical PartnerZone and how it works.