- Two heavy-duty overhead telescopes for the X-ray tube and the detector;
- All positioning movements can be done effortlessly and quietly, without disturbing the patient, thanks to electromagnetic brakes which control longitudinal, transversal and vertical movements of the system including
- Motorized vertical movement of the slave (receptor) telescope;
- Automatic alignment/tracking of the slave (receptor) telescope to the manual vertical movements of the master (tube) telescope;
- Standard lateral motorization of the slave (receptor) telescope;
- Optional longitudinal motorization of the master (x-ray tube) telescope;
- Extreme low-position of the tube (10 cm beam centre-to-floor distance) with special rotational tube mount for hoof exposures;
- Both overheads have control boxes with brake releases for all telescope movements and for rotational movement around horizontal and vertical axes;
- Push-button for collimator light-field on control boxes;
- Display of SID for vertical and horizontal exposures as well as of tube rotation angles;
- High-power output generator and matching X-ray tube.
The ZooMax Equine system is also available in a three-telescope configuration consisting of a master-slave tube-receptor telescope pair and a „free” x-ray tube which
- allows wider options for the positioning of the animal and is thus available for lower extremity, hoof exposures;
- features (optional) an additional pivot around the vertical axis to perform the most challenging under-belly exposures of the patient
Finally, Control-X Medical also offers a simpler single-telescope configuration in cases where the versatility and stability of the ceiling-mounted system are required without the auto-tracking feature.
ZooMax Equine